Vincenzo Forgione at work on his FrecciaItalia

With a weight of only 1580 grams, the frame offers lightness without compromising on robustness. But the real magic happens when this frame transforms into a complete bicycle: with the specific chosen setup, the total weight approaches 8 kg (the weight can vary with different setups). The precision of silver fillet brazed welds becomes evident in every pedal stroke.

Detail of the signature of the FrecciaItalia Forgione frame

What makes the FrecciaItalia unique is its Italian touch. Each frame is customized based on the cyclist's needs, ensuring a tailor-made riding experience. The Italian flag, painted with strips of extreme precision, is a tribute to my craftsmanship and passion for cycling.

Almost complete bicycle (missing the gearbox) FrecciaItalia Forgione Telai

The choice to paint the Italian flag is not only aesthetic but also symbolizes my dedication to excellence. Every color is applied with care, reflecting my pursuit of perfection. The FrecciaItalia is not just a bicycle; it's a work of art on two wheels.

Front detail of the FrecciaItalia Forgione frame

Let's not forget attention to detail. The frame is tailored, considering the cyclist's morphology and preferences. The custom fork, visible in the video on my page, is an example of precision and excellence in painting.

Side detail of the FrecciaItalia Forgione frame

I am awaiting the arrival of the gearbox, the final touch to complete this wonder on two wheels. I can't wait to share with you every detail, every emotion that the FrecciaItalia brings. Stay tuned for an unprecedented cycling adventure! 🌟🚴‍♂️

BOOK NOW YOUR FrecciaItalia

#FrecciaItalia #CraftedFrame #CyclingPassion #ItalianCraftsmanship #SilverFilletBrazed #TailorMadeBike